

Today is my 4th day in France, and I'm sorry I can't update my blog everyday. French simply don't use Internet as much as we do. A wired spot is hard to find, and the one in my hotel room in Paris is 8 Euro or 11 USD per hour! Expensive!
Today I’m in Nante, 2 hours southwest of Paris by train. Price is slightly acceptable here.

Oh, Paris! Hhm… Where should I start?
There is too much to see. So far I’ve visited Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame, Musée d’Orsay, Jeu de Paume, Musée du Louvre, and Centre Georges Pompidou. The art is magnificent, the food is great, and the weather is perfect.
Should I start with the cute French biker I met on the metro? Or the crazy Mona Lisa fans at the Louvre? How about the amazing architecture and collections of Picasso, Mondrian, Dali, Rothko, Alexander Calder, Diane Arbus, and Lee Friedlander at Pompidou?

Of course I’ve shot too many! I’m exhausted by the end of every day! So there! I’ll post some whenever I can. Let me know what you think. Or what you want to see. :>

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Place de la Concorde, a beautiful plaza sit between Musée du Louvre and the end of Avenus des Champs Elysées. Other than beautiful statues and fountains, it has a 75-feet-tall 3300-year-old golden-tip Egyptian stele and a giant fairs wheel.

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Anyone who has watched The Da Vinci Code would recognize the glass pyramid by I.M. Pei in front of Musée du Louvre. It took me 5 hours to walk through two out of the three halls.
The Louvre has about 350,000 pieces of collection, but the Metropolitan Museum in NY has a better Egyptian gallery. Peronsally, the paintings and statues in Italy are far more impressive.

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Musée d’Orsay is great! I walked in with my art-related student ID for free! The museum used to be a huge train station in 1900, so the architecture is incredibly beautiful and unique.
I had the privilege of seeing some great art of Picasso, Monet, Degas, Renoir, and Van Gogh.

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Paris is not always black and white, but the weather is. It’s quite chilly in the morning at this time of the year. But down in the metro is sweating hot. I had to keep putting on and taking off my jacket and scarf all day long. Two busy French flies are getting warm up at the park.
Sometimes, you wish you had a macro on. :>


Death said...

Son bon. Je l'adore. Espoir vous allez bien.

Call me one of thses days. Please?

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to see an update! Tell me more! Post more pictures!

Miss you!

Cat says said...

Are you serious? Call you from Paris? Or Taiwan?

Anonymous said...

hi nancy! miss you! come home..
I love your B&W's of paris!