
Tree love

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I'm in love with this tree. It gives beautiful golden red leaves every autumn.


A storm shall come

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The weather in California is too good and too boring. But occasionally, clouds would come before the rain.


Movie stage

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Last night Billy and I crammed into Ari's apartment again.
I made a pot of yakisoba, and we watched the Oscar not so seriously.

Today I stop by the other campus that's 40 min. away from mine.
I stare at the movie set students built long ago, and can't help wondering, "Would I end up in the film business someday?"


Behind the scene

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There are reasons why I became a photographer and not a model. For one, be half naked, smeared with cocoa butter, and photographed at a cold windy populated beach.
But when I do model for a friend's commercial assignment like today, I wouldn't mind working with the male dancer from Wildcat. :>


200-year-old tree

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My friend DeeDee lives next to the second oldest tree in town.
I wonder if the cops from the station next door would yell at me if I climb that thing.
Hm... tempting...


A good pair

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You wear the same pair everyday because it's so comfortable and goes with any jeans.
But how long can you wear it till it grows holes at the bottom and leaks everytime it rains?
This pair has been with me for at least 5 years.
It makes me sad every time I had to throw away a pair of good shoes.



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I was lost driving aimlessly in town when I found this cool looking construction site.


Green eyed baby

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I can remember things at 2. I wonder what he is thinking in that moment.


American men

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My landlord Rod likes to lay his toys around the house, which reminds me that how much I admire guys who can build.


Jesheua & "The Frog"

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I was enjoying a toasty tomato bread and a cup of house blend at the bakery in downtown when this 1957 Dodge D-100 pickup entered my frame.


Old memories in Hsinchu

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Guess which one is me at 5?

My cousins were raised in Japan, so they knew how to "pose" for a picture. :>
Me? I guess I was excited about the red umbrella, defnitely not the dress.

How was I suppose to climb trees, crawl through bushes, and spy on neighbors' cats in one of those things without being yelled at?


Slides in hell

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What happens when you tip over a cup full of orange juice on top of your precious underwater transparencies?

You get a dozen of juicy slides. And then...

you curse. And then...

you clean, and curse some more.


Circle of friends

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Before I headed out to study aboard, I never thought I would be making any great foreign friends here. I was wrong.

While I am here digging in my little own space, trying to pace myself, and going nuts in the thesis hell, tonight I bring over a pan of home-made warm brownie and a bottle of 2% organic milk to Ariana's house.
Four of us cram into her little cozy apartment, enjoy the food, share our photos/memories, and have a great time. Two tablets of Tums are down to my throat after waaay too much dinner. I just can't help myself. :>

Afterwards, we have a collaborating session on the project till 4 in the morning.
When you work with smart, talented, passionate, and fun people, amazing things happen.
Not to mention the result, I simply bathe in the joy and excitement of the creative process.

Thank you guys!
You crazy people are awesome!!!


Go go gadget!!!

And Here it is!

My new 2ndhand Polaroid One600 Ultra records Mike the repairman in action.
And don't ask me why do I have the camera with me when my car goes down. I just do. :>
By the way, now I know the name of the owner and every guy working in there during the 3-hour wait. They almost provide me a lunch box.

And behold... my new toy just arrives today...
Canon Powershot SD600!!!
Yeah~~~ hip hip hurray~~~
So this is the very first image of my Canon ---> Polaroid ---> Mike ---> Nissan (my car).


What am I doing here again?

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I've been waiting for this moment to create my blog. But...
Just like my thesis paper that I'm suppose to be working on RIGHT NOW, but nope!
I'm dragging my feet.

A few days ago, I finally got my hands on a polaroid (I've been wanting one for ages!). :>
I sent one shot to my sick granny, one to my boyfriend for valentine, one testing the shutter drag, and two recording my car traumma over a dead alternator and a dead battery in the fast lane on the freeway during rush hour.
I even hand-sewed a bag for the camera using a sakura handkerchief from my last trip to Japan. And this all happened within a week!

This is very very bad.
I should be working on my paper.
Or.... wait!
I should be done with my paper by now!
And it is already February?!
