





It wasn't a big deal when our dogs got spayed or neutered, so I wasn't really prepared for what was about to come when I dropped off Pantsy at the vet.
When I went to pick her up, seeing her hurt both mentally and physically entirely broke my heart. I had to go through a few major debates with myself and others in terms of the reality and humanity.

For the first two days, she struggled to recover and get around with that silly looking satellite dish around her neck.
Unable to see the rest of the body, she kept bumping into corners, falling off chairs, missing targets, and licking the headband. However, she has developed the skill to march backwards, which has proven to be surprisingly useful and extremely cute. :>
She is furless on her tummy and one forearm. She can't play much. Eating and drinking are difficult. She has accidentally spilled, tipped over and broken things here and there. Unable to lick her whole body clean is driving her nuts. And on top of all that, she has to take painkillers five days straight.

I love Pantsy so much! It makes me extremely sad and guilty to ever put her in this position.
I guess it's just one of those things to compromise when the world is getting smaller.


Birthday gift

Sorry for another no-photo posting. I could have post more stories of Pantsy Shmazy (just turned 6 months old), but I've received complaints about my photo blog turning to a cat blog. So sorry cat lovers! Maybe next time. :p

I got back to Taiwan a couple weeks ago. As I slowly reconnect with some good old friends, Chick, my best friend from high school, is about to be 27 the next week. Wow, how long have we been best friends for? Something like 11 years starting when we were 16? Good times, good times.

Anyway, as friends get older, it has become more difficult to pick a good birthday present every year. When I say "good", let me remind you I'm a total freak, perfectionist, and above all a Taurus when I set my mind on finding an ideal gift for my best pals. It would be planned for days or even weeks (actually months for my sister this year) once it has become my mission in life.

So I'm asking around, searching the Internet, and looking for some ideas. But man...
I don't know what to get her!!!!!! Hellllllllllllllllllllp