Birthday gift
Sorry for another no-photo posting. I could have post more stories of Pantsy Shmazy (just turned 6 months old), but I've received complaints about my photo blog turning to a cat blog. So sorry cat lovers! Maybe next time. :p
I got back to Taiwan a couple weeks ago. As I slowly reconnect with some good old friends, Chick, my best friend from high school, is about to be 27 the next week. Wow, how long have we been best friends for? Something like 11 years starting when we were 16? Good times, good times.
Anyway, as friends get older, it has become more difficult to pick a good birthday present every year. When I say "good", let me remind you I'm a total freak, perfectionist, and above all a Taurus when I set my mind on finding an ideal gift for my best pals. It would be planned for days or even weeks (actually months for my sister this year) once it has become my mission in life.
So I'm asking around, searching the Internet, and looking for some ideas. But man...
I don't know what to get her!!!!!! Hellllllllllllllllllllp
妳管我~~~~ 這叫愛的煩惱懂不懂~~~~
好吧好吧!不然你送我「論文製造機」好啦!I badly need one now!
哪裡有賣阿? 我也要一台... :p
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